Arcor India Art and Decor Pvt. Ltd. - Terms and Conditions


Welcome to a world of elegance and style! Before you embark on your journey through our exquisite home decor treasures, please take a moment to peruse the fine print. Our terms and conditions are like the frame to a beautiful painting – essential for the masterpiece that is your shopping experience with Arcor India Art and Decor.

1. General Overview:

  • By visiting our e-commerce website, you are gracefully accepting the terms and conditions laid out herein.
  • Arcor India Art and Decor Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to update or modify these terms without prior notice. Stay tuned for any dazzling changes!

2. Elegance in Shopping:

  • Our curated collection of home decor items is a testament to refined taste. Revel in the beauty, but remember, no unauthorized reproductions or imitations allowed.

3. Jurisdiction Magic:

  • In case of any dispute, the magic happens in Ghaziabad jurisdiction. It’s where wands are raised, and matters are settled with the finesse of a perfectly arranged bouquet.

4. Verdict by the Virtuosos:

  • The final word on any grievance shall be spoken by our company-authorized virtuosos. Their verdicts are as irrefutable as a timeless piece of art. Trust in their discerning eye!

5. Refund Rhapsody:

  • Refunds will be conducted in accordance with the harmonious melody of our company policies. Be sure to dance through the details on our refund page for a seamless rhythm.

6. Data Ballet:

  • Your data is as precious as a rare gem. We promise to pirouette through the delicate choreography of data usage, ensuring utmost security and confidentiality. Find more about our privacy practices in our Privacy Polonaise.

7. Artful Communication:

  • We reserve the right to communicate with you through the medium of choice – be it the poetic elegance of email, the swift strokes of messages, or the classic charm of carrier pigeons (just kidding on the last one).

8. Cookies and Crème de la Crème:

  • Our website may indulge in cookies. Fear not, these digital confections are here to enhance your experience, not your waistline. Dive into our Cookies Policy for a guilt-free exploration.

9. User Conduct Etiquette:

  • While navigating our virtual gallery, kindly refrain from any uncouth behavior. Offenders may find themselves escorted out without the grace of a final encore.

10. Finale: – As the curtains draw to a close, let the symphony of your shopping experience resonate. Arcor India Art and Decor Pvt. Ltd. is not just a platform; it’s a celebration of elegance, and you, dear patron, are the guest of honor.

Thank you for choosing Arcor India Art and Decor Pvt. Ltd. – where every pixel is a brushstroke, and every click is a step towards a more beautiful home. Cheers to a year of elegance, and here’s to many more to come!

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